Can Mom Get A “Real” Sick Day

It’s Monday and I have not been to work since Wednesday because I was at a conference all week. I got sick at the conference and Saturday was bad, Sunday was worse and Monday I couldn’t get out of bed. I felt bad calling out sick because I haven’t been at the office for four days but I am real sick. I don’t want to get anyone at the office sick and sick days were invented for when you are sick. I have earned all my sick days and I am going to use one today. The good thing is that the kids were not sick but I had to get out of bed and take them to school. I was so excited that I was going to be able to come back home and hit my head on my pillow and sleep all the sickness away. I drink the recommended NyQuil and I text my boss to let him know I’m not going into the office. I put my pajamas back on and get cozy in my blanket. I’m in a nice NyQuil induced dream about shopping at a Louis Vuitton store and trying on a thousand pairs of shoes. Out in the distant of my expensive dream I hear my phone ring. It was my daughters school calling, so I could not ignore it. I answer and the nice nurse lady at the other side of the phone call says, “I have your daughter here at the nurse’s office. She is complaining of a sore throat and has a mild fever. She is one degree away from having a real fever and would need to be sent home if that happens. What do you want to do?” I pause and think for a long minute, if I say she is fine, send her back to her class and call me when she hits one more degree, I will probably be judged as being a bad mom. After my long minute of thinking I say, “Ok, I will be there in five minutes to pick her up.”

Now my glorious sick day turned into a family sick day, which meant I couldn’t go back to sleep and keep dream shopping. I was going to have to cater to my daughter’s needs. My daughter did not have a fever, she only had a sore throat and a small cough. I had the chills and body aches with a fever, I was the one that was sick. I wanted my alone sick day. I wanted to be selfish and sleep all day. The good thing was that I ended up having a cuddle buddy which helps when you are sick.

My sick days tend to always be used for doctor appointments and kids being sick. I think I have only used two sick days for myself in last four years. Moms need to take a real sick day, especially when they are sick. We need to stop feeling guilty for not being at work because being sick at the office helps no one. I feel guilty for about 20 minutes and then I get over it. I have learned that I am number one and that is not being selfish. We need to stop and take care of ourselves first. It is easier said than done but it can be done. Take a sick day for yourself, when you can. 


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